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Deluxe Bonsai Tool Kit

Deluxe Bonsai Tool Kit

$ 460.00

$ 526.00


The Deluxe Tool Kit contains the tools you'll use to style and repot your bonsai.

Thirteen-piece kit includes: Pliers, Wire Cutters, Round-edge concave cutters, Scissors, Tweezers, Root Cutters, Root Rake, Sickle, Angled Scissors, Brush, Bent-Nose Tweezers, Root Hook and Tool pouch. It's a combination of the  Basic Tool Kit and the Repotting Tool Kit plus a Tool pouch.

These tools have been selected with function and durability in mind. Save 15% with the Deluxe Kit.

Related: Basic Tool KitRepotting Tool KitStainless Steel Tool Kit.